Post Eight: Online Communities & Relationships

 Website Blog (minimum 350 words) describing your personal framework for ethical digital engagement and how it has informed your interaction with any online virtual community such as our class group.

Ethical is by definition explained to be "elating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these". I don't believe many people consciously set out a premeditated approach to digital engagement among their personal lives online. They carry their ethics from real life onto their screen lives. I do believe business people consciously make moral decisions on how to approach online communities however.  

I personally have carried my morals from my life onto the screen and treat everyone as I would in person. I approach my life where I respect everyone for their beliefs and try to be as understanding as possible. I am kind, helpful and polite. I feel many people online now are ridiculously rude(and perhaps not like that in person) and believe that this doesn't affect people but it does. I would never find it okay to act in such a way. 
My engagement with our virtual class group was a reflection of that. I responded when asked a question but I would never talk over someone. I listened and was attentive at every class I could make. I believe this is a respectful way to be both in person and digitally and their should be no difference. We are all human even through our  laptops. I think it's important to be cautious and as my lecturer said in one of our first meetings that if any of the people in our class come across someone who is making you uncomfortable it is okay to log off straight away. 
I found the lecture of class 7 to be very interesting as people with disabilities told us how they interact online. They are a support network for each other and sometimes it was a place where they felt more okay with than anywhere they could be physically. They too are respectful and place boundaries for they well being.
My interaction with all online groups and the class has therefor been very positive. I stick to my morals and that gets me by just fine in life. We are interactive species and we need to have morals put in place that allows us all to respect each other and have positive experiences.
