Post Seven: Team Work

Team Work

Denisa, Luke and I had a phone call on Whatsapp as it allows four people to call at the one time. We all had initially downloaded Viber to have our group calls on before I researched if we could just call on our Whatsapp group. The phone call was planned a couple of days in advance and Jack did text into the group chat to say he would participate but never answered the call unfortunately. This was by far our most productive discussion to date. We talked about our aims of the presentation. We decided we should tell the CEOs why they should change and how they can implement these changes. We want to really tell them all the negative impacts their actions are having on the environment as well as our health to hit a bit harder to their heart and home as it would provoke them to think about the livelihoods of their family members and loved ones.

We delegated different topics to us each to research before our next call to start putting the presentation together. Luke wanted to cover the reduction of plastic use and the increased use of recycled materials especially focusing on packaging. Denisa is to cover the company's fuel usage in terms of deliveries and the possibility of using electric cars run by renewable energy power stations. There is where I come in, I'll be covering why investing in non-renewable energy sources like oil is a bad business as well as an unethical decision.

We want to make the presentation dreary and factual initially then at the end present the positive impacts they can make happen if they act quickly. We came up with a an order
-why we are here to change(negatives)
-positive impacts that can happen

We decided being able to access each others research will help communication and the execution of the presentation therefor Denisa made a one drive folder in which we would put all the information we founder into files. We then ended the phone call with plans to call back in a couple of days.
