Post Two: Meeting People in SecondLife
Meeting People in SecondLife
At first I found it quite difficult to meet and talk to strangers on SecondLife. I first traveled to London, where it said eight people were active in the destination, unfortunately none of which would respond to my general chat. I then traveled to the destination Da Vinci Gardens, Kalepa; where i flew on a dragon and walked underwater, but found absolutely no inhabitants. I gave up and logged out after an hour of defeat.A couple of days later I attempted again to log on and find people to chat to. I went into the Whats Hot Now destination list and went to Japan Hirba, where i quickly realized i might not find english speaking avatars. However I did, I met a twin of my avatar called VVValeria. She was from Nashville, Tennessee. Her name was Valeria. She is a sixteen year old girl being home schooled there. She told me she plays SecondLife most nights and its where she has made some of her closest friends.
I then traveled to another location, a couples retreat place. There i saw couples dancing but also people alone. After sending in a general message to the near by chat, a few people responded, willing to talk to me for this assignment. They used their voices to communicate with me. Their names were Annka99 and DV10. They both had met through SecondLife four months presviously and were now dating. They told me they go on Second Life for dates every few days. Annka99 is from South Carolina and DV10 is from the Netherlands. They hope to meet in real life in a couple of months. They're both twenty five years old.
I didn't expect to meet the kind of people i did on Second Life and am so glad i eventually found people willing to communicate with me,which was no easy task.
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